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Friday 14 February 2014

Cricket Different Matches - T20,ODI,Test

Cricket,one of the most popular sports in the world, played most in Australia,England,South Asia,Sout Africa,West Indies and New Zealand.Cricket is a ball sport where points are scored by walking on the cricket pitch (one run) back and forth. It is a team sport in which to turn one team throws first ( bowling ) and the other team beats ( batting ) . Depending on the type of game they play to an agreed number of overs or wickets . If both teams have beaten and bowled the team with the most runs is the winner .
The cricket field is oval shaped and delimited by a polsdik rope lying in the grass . Obligatory dimensions for the field have not been established , but a diameter of about 150 meters is usual. In principle, should not be on the field too many obstacles - one or two trees is no objection , but these are definitely avoided for international competitions.

Cricket is popular mainly in the countries of the British Commonwealth. It is after football the most popular sport in the world , mainly due to the many fans on the Indian Subcontinent .

On the pitch are a few lines are drawn , the creases which are mentioned. They indicate where the batter should be located he will not be gestumped ( see below) , of which the bowler must throw the ball and between which must be used to make . Runs walked.

The cricket field

In the middle of the field there is no grass , or very short grass in a rectangle . This area is called the pitch . The size of the pitch is 20.12 to 3.05 meters . On the short sides of the pitch are knee high wooden constructions , which are called wickets . The whole of wickets and pitch is called the wicket . Most of the game takes place on and off the wicket . The wickets consist of three upright poles with such spacing is put the ball can not get through between . At a glance The poles called stumps . The tops of the stumps are bridged by two small sticks which are called bails . The resulting structure is so unstable that the bails all fall to the ground with a slight touch of the wicket .
In early forms of cricket wickets were used which had actually something of a low driepikkeltje . Cricket in its current form - with upright wickets - dates from a later time and is undoubtedly English .
About the origin of the word ' cricket ' is a similar confusion . It is either from ' cricce ' - the Anglo-Saxon word for a shepherd's staff - or ' jack chair " , the name used in the Low Countries of the Middle Ages a church bench was indicated. In French such bench was called a ' cricket ' . French also claim that the word " cricket " was derived from the word " guichet " ( gate , counter) .

According to a recent survey would be cricket from Flanders . Coming Cricket would etymologically explained as ' the jack bounce ' . This theory is supported by the discovery of a 1533 poem attributed to John Skelton where Flemish weavers as " kings of crekettes ' are defined .

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